Ivars Āboliņš - Chairman of the Council
- Ensures supervision of the overall work of the council
- Carries out work associated with the safety of the informative space
- Responsible for the supervision of the field of commercial, public, and non-commercial radio and television
- Is co-responsible for the supervision of electronic mass media that provide television programme distribution services
E-mail: ivars.abolins@neplp.lv
Ieva Kalderauska - Vice-Chair of the Council
- Ensures supervision of the field of electronic mass media that provide on-demand services
- Ensures supervision of field of video sharing platforms
- Responsible for the supervision for promotion of electronic mass media content accessibility
- Is co-responsible for issues related to the protection of the informational space and for the supervision of the field of commercial, public, and non-commercial radio and television and the supervision of issues related to the improvement of media literacy
E-mail: ieva.kalderauska@neplp.lv
Aurēlija Ieva Druviete - Member of the Council
- Ensures international cooperation
- Foresees issues related to the improvement of media literacy
- Is co-responsible for issues related to the protection of the information space, and for the supervision of the field of commercial, public, and non-commercial radio and television.
E-mail: aurelija.ieva.druviete@neplp.lv
Andis Plakans – Member of the Council
- is responsible for the supervision of electronic mass media that provide television programme distribution services
- supervise the technological developments
- Is co-responsible for the monitoring of issues related to the safety of the informative space and the monitoring of social media platforms.
E-mail: andis.plakans@neplp.lv
Ilva Milzarāja – Member of the Council
- Is responsible for issues related to the strengthening of the Latvian language
- Oversees the promotion of self-regulation of the media environment and social media platforms
- Is co-responsible for supervising issues related to the safety of the informative space and issues related to the improvement of media literacy.
E-mail: ilva.milzaraja@neplp.lv